Sunday, February 12, 2012

What a crazy weekend...

I had a lot of shoots over the weekend! Davanee who is 9 months old stopped over for her shoot! She just gets cuter and cuter I swear!

I love these next two photos, and Im so happy she was all smiles this time! :)

The adorable Cripe girls came to see me. Now Madalynn, the oldest has always been soo photogenic ever since I first started taking pictures of her. She is turning 5 soon!

Okay, so we had each of the twins (Caitlynn and Cailey) sit on Mady's back.....Caitlynn decided all she wanted to do was rip Mady's headband off haha 

Caitlynn wanted to put in Cailey's bow back in after she ripped it out...they are so funny

and of course I have to share one of the twins hugging....sooooo precious.

Then the beautiful Skippy and her boyfriend Shane stopped by for some couple's photos.
We took some in the studio first!

They are super cute, we decided to do some outdoors too....

even though it was FUH-REEZING!!!!

Today, a little girl name Rozlynn (who is so gorgeous it is crazy) came for her shoot.

her mom and dad are gona have trouble with her when she's older haha

She had a rainbow tutu, sooo cute and she would not stop sucking on the pearls it was cute!

I had this cute sleepy owl hat and I am so glad I got to use it with such a pretty baby!

hehe, then she started biting the basket haha! She was definitely way fun to photograph!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

It has been a busy week

One of the winners from my 2K fan give-away brought her daughter in today!
Her name is Rashia, she is almost 5....and the coolest part...we share the same birthday!

She is goofy, I kept trying to get her to laugh and then she'd cover her face haha

I can't tell you why, but I LOVE this photo......

....she really loved the huge bear one of my clients left behind the other day (it is hiding behind her)

This picture is just awesome.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My days are running together.

I have been so busy, either taking pictures, editing them, returning emails, messages and phonecalls, figuring out taxes...and trying to remember I still need to eat, sleep and shower. haha. (its not THAT bad!) Yesterday I had my first family shoot in the studio.

Their little boy, Abryien is adorable.

I am in love with his cheeks! hehe

He liked to make this sad face that just made me want to pick him up and hug him!

....and today I did a birthday shoot with a young lady named Paige!

She is TWO....and full of soooo much energy!

I asked her to put her hands on her hips......this is what we got......too funny

She rocks!

I gotta save the best for last, in this photo she said "im done!" ..Priceless.


Monday, February 6, 2012

Studio Pets

Okay, since my studio is in my home...a lot of the time I have to lock my animals up. I have two dogs and two cats. I usually put the cats in the bathroom but sometimes the kids see them right away and then thats all they are interested I have to dedicate a post to my babies just to show what they go through to make kids smile!

haha! you think they would learn not to come into the Studio but they always do!


I'll be sad once these sessions are

I am having SO much fun with these sessions, I will be sad when they are finished...but I guess that means I get to prepare for the Easter shoots! Yay! The first little sweetheart that came yesterday was Addison.

She has the beautiful big brown eyes! She's just darling!

This is what happened when I asked her to smile..haha ....close enough!

Her face in the next one is awesome like "you want me to do what?!!?" haha

Toryn also got to come hangout yesterday!

She is basically the funniest kid ever.

This is HILARIOUS! She looks so uninterested in whatever Im doin haha

And she had a sucker so that made her super happy!


Valentine's Day Sessions are a hit!

First up is Ava. She was sooo sweet

..and so silly.

I asked her to do a serious didnt work out to well!! haha!

Next was Aislynn!

She has this fake laugh that just kills me!! I laughed the whole time she was there, it was very amusing!
She had a huge bear and she loved giving it hugs, so cute.

And we had to give her some sugar..looked so good..I was so jealous!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Valentine Shoots=Such an awesome idea

I am totally loving these Valentine's Day shoots! I still have a few spots available so maybe as I keep posting the sessions people will fill up the remaining spots! Anywho, today I had a session with a little boy named Karter. At first he didn't quite know what to think about me, then I busted out my secret weapon (candy)! :)

hehe, he was my friend after I bribed him

he had such a sweet smile

he was rockin` an awesome 'Beatles' shirt!

he showed me his "mad face"

last one of this handsome lil boy!
